Hi, I’m Maura,

a freelance writer, producer, editor & teacher.
I’m also a sentimental minimalist.

In my 2015 TedX Talk “The Masterpiece of a Simple Life,” I charted my path to simple living. Now, in the wee hours of the morning, I write in response to that talk, exploring what happened afterward and why I need simplicity, not just how to achieve it. When I got rid of my stuff, I had to deal with my Stuff.
Turns out, simple living is anything but simple.

As a freelance writer, I’ve written for various publications.
As a screenwriter, I have developed projects with Cooperstown Productions, Focus Features, Junction Entertainment, and Maven Pictures, among others (L.A. rep: Paul Canterna at Seven Summits).

As a teacher, I developed curriculum and taught theater courses at the collegiate level as well as for The Indiana Repertory Theatre. I created the digital course, The Annual Heirloom Album, combining several passions - teaching, storytelling, and organizing.

After I wrangled my digital media, I realized that I loved telling stories not only with words but also with pictures. So I created services to help others tell the stories of their life, The Emerging Artist’s Album, The Themed Album, and The Keepsake Collection.

I am a Certified Hatha Yoga instructor,
& a Certified Mental Health First Aider.