Tip: Prepping For The Return


I write about travel because I love traveling. Profound, I know. Ultimately, though, this blog is about how I keep my space(s) serene. For me, travel is not an escape from the day to day but rather just a part of life at large. I strive for a fulfilling daily life. If I dread coming home, then something's off. But, if I know I'm returning to a serene space, chances are dread is not playing into the equation. So how can I ensure that I return to a serene space?

I tidy up before I head out. Plain and simple.

This tip requires a bit of planning - giving yourself ten extra minutes (or so) prior to departure to put your space in order. I'm playing the long game, guys. I'm doing this for the sole purpose of opening the front door when I return and breathing in a sigh of relief.

Dorothy once said, "There's no place like home." Dorothy did not say, "Ugh, what a dump. Take me back to Oz." Oz was pretty awesome, let's be real! But it was also scary, life-threatening, exhausting, completely unknown -- and all she had was a picnic basket the entire time away! I mean, great packing, Dorothy! But I don't know... A picnic basket is really cutting it close. And there are certain things one just doesn't pack, no matter how large or small your bag (or basket, as it were) is. For instance: I love my coffee mug. I like returning to my coffee mug. And if it's crusty and stained from sitting on the counter for a week... I'm just grossed out. I'm not breathing in a sigh of relief. I'm annoyed.

Breaking it down: This isn't about deep cleaning. We all know there's a big difference between tidying up and cleaning up (more on that soon). I like to think of this as The Intentional Timer | Travel Edition. My tidying includes:

  • Making the bed

  • Returning possessions to their rightful place (including clothes - because you know some lie scattered about due to packing edits)

  • Cleaning dishes (or throwing them in the dishwater! A shout out to electricity!)

  • Clearing countertops and wiping them down (both kitchen and bathroom)

  • Watering plants (is there anything sadder than thirsty, wilted greens?!)

  • Taking out the trash (if there's food bits.... or dirty diapers [trust me re the diapers; I did the research...])

Listen, we've all had those trips where we're flying out the door, barely remembering our driver's license. It's happened before and it's probably going to happen again. But if nine out of ten times I take the time to add this step into my routine, I reap the rewards. To prepare my home for myself - a Self that's probably tired from the journey away and back - is to implement yet another habit that makes the home a serene space. 

I want to want to come home. Just like Dorothy.


A Life Decluttered: A Case for the Two-Door Car


A Serene Mama: Flying With an Infant